Microsoft Teams Integration in Canvas

  • Automatic creation of a Microsoft Teams class team from your Canvas course
  • Automatic enrollment of team members from your Canvas “People” list
  • A Microsoft Teams menu link in your Canvas course to give you and your students easy access to the class team

Turning on the Teams Integration in Your Course

  1. Once in your course, click Settings in the course menu.
  2. In the Integration tab, toggle on Microsoft Sync. The toggle should turn green.
  3. Click the arrow to the left of Microsoft Sync to expand the information.
  4. Click the Sync Now button to synchronize your course with Microsoft Teams.

NOTE: Teams will message you when the class team has been created. Canvas will sync with Teams anytime a change is made to course enrollment. You can also trigger a manual sync by returning to the Integrations tab and following steps 3 and 4 above.

Accessing Your Class Team and Verifying Enrollment

You can access your class team through the Microsoft Teams app, as you normally would, or through Canvas.

  1. Once you log into Canvas, Click the Microsoft Teams meetings link in the course menu. (Your students can see this link, too). The Microsoft Teams meetings tool should automatically be available on your course menu, otherwise you can add it to your menu by going to Settings, then Navigation.
  2. Choose to either open Teams in the desktop app or “Cancel” and choose to open Teams in a web browser tab. Teams will open directly to your class team.
  3. To verify/activate enrollment, click the three dots to the right of the team name. Choose Manage team. On the page that opens you can expand the lists for Owners & Members and guests to view the names of everyone in the team.

NOTE: Your class team is not available to students until you activate it. To activate your class team so students can see it, click the Activate button at the top of the page. When prompted, confirm your choice by clicking Activate again.

Helpful Tips

  • Schedule Teams meetings within the Canvas tool, making sure to pick the correct course under Add channel. Meetings scheduled here will transfer to your class team.
  • If you do not wish to have the Microsoft Teams link in your course, you can remove it in the Navigation tab in course Settings.